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October 2021 in Review

Dina Scarcelli

A heart full of love and appreciation for you this October!

Well, things have been busy at DMS Montessori Preschool and Daycare Inc.!   We have been preparing for renovations through architect and engineer work, city approvals and outside site work completion before the winter begins!  I am happy to report that things are rolling along well thus far and we hope that this can continue throughout the preparation time until we open! 

This month's blog is about how thankful I am for my life and those around me.  You wonderful humans in my community and every one in the DMS Montessori Preschool and Daycare Inc. community.

Mrs. Dina has been busy continuing to operate her current location while project managing this huge endeavor.  People ask me how I am doing it - it is not easy!  But this busy time in my life has taught me a lot and a lot about myself.  One thing is that I CAN DO HARD THINGS!  I am also an excellent multitasker, organizer and much more.  Hard work and dedication are definitely at play but also, working toward your dream is an incredible feeling.  And I am doing it!  I was courageous and made it happen.  I work around the clock but when you are living your passion each day, it sort of doesn't feel like "work" ... can you relate?

I hope I inspire my own children, my "childcare children" and all women and young girls everywhere what you CAN do when you put your heart, soul and mind to it.  Capabilities and possibilities are endless.  You can definitely achieve all of your dreams with some "will and determination, and Grace, too."  (The Tragically Hip - my favorite quote and band)

So this past month has made me feel extra grateful around Thanksgiving and as I face a challenging road ahead I continue to give my 100+% to my current families and their children, work hard on the side to do what I need to do to hire some quality staff, to educate and promote the Montessori method, and try to get some sleep somewhere too!  I am humble and thankful for my circle of supportive friends, my network of connections, tradesmen who are dedicated to my project, and my current and future families who bless me with their children each day.  I am so incredibly grateful that I have a family and my husband who unwaveringly supports my goals and dreams. 

In this lifetime, we need to do what makes ourselves and family fulfilled and happy...yes, even if you do so during a pandemic!  For me, it's making a significant difference in the community and in children/families lives by providing them with the best experience possible in their Early Years that will set the foundation for the rest of their lives. 


By Dina Scarcelli 22 Jul, 2022
GRAND OPENING! April 11, 2022
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Fostering Independence
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By Dina Scarcelli 18 Jan, 2022
November Progress at Our New Location!
By Dina Scarcelli 20 Oct, 2021
I signed the lease! I am so excited to announce our new location for January 2022 will be at 101 Simcoe Street North in Oshawa! I have some exciting plans to execute and I cannot wait to keep you posted along the way! Now enrolling for January 2022! Let the extra BUSY begin! We had a lot of fun in September! We went to the apple orchard to apple pick and support our apple theme. We noticed many different types of apples and analyzed the parts of the apple as we enjoyed eating them in class. We were able to learn in real life how the apple grows and where. We learned about the parts of the apple, apple life cycle, did apple crafts and art. We learned a song about the parts of the apple which the children love to sing every day! Of course, phonics is heavily emphasized every day as usual. The letter A was a big focus this month. My family and I would like to thank you all for your follows, your support and your community connection. Without you, growth would not be possible. Your recognition of our unique and heart-full program is not going unnoticed. We will always lead with a pure heart and soul in providing the BEST early learning experience for your child. Regards, Dina
By Dina Scarcelli 15 Sep, 2021
WE ARE EXPANDING AND MOVING LOCATIONS IN JANUARY 2022! I signed a lease for a charming and unique property in central Oshawa! I am very excited and so is our DMS Montessori Preschool and Daycare Inc. community! This endeavor has been a dream of mine to achieve for most of my adult life. I always knew teaching was in my blood, but this just fulfills my ultimate goals of opening my own Montessori preschool and making a difference in our community and in the lives of many beautiful children! I want the children who’s lives I / we touch to go on and lead the most fulfilling lives possible because I provide them with the most optimal preschool experience possible to expand their horizons and open them up to the wonders of the World. The capacity for growth in all areas of development is massive at the early childhood level. All these children need is the experiences and opportunities to reach their maximum potential at this level. I know that I have made a difference in these tiny human’s lives over the last five years, both through who I am as a person, my values and genuine passion for children and their development, and through my relationship and undying desire to provide only the best to parents and children, but now I want to give that same top-quality care to more children whose parents are waiting for this new step of growth. With over 30 families on my current waiting list, the time for me to make this expansion happen is NOW! I take possession on September 1, 2021. Grand opening is slated for January 3, 2022, if all renovations and licensing preparations go according to plan over the next few months. I shall surely keep you posted on all developments so stay tuned! Contact me through my website for information about enrollment and career opportunities! Voting round is almost over but there’s still time to vote for us! Durham Reader’s Choice Awards Whitby/Oshawa, DMS Montessori Preschool and Daycare Inc. for best daycare, nursery school and private school. Help us win this again! Thank you for you support! Dina Scarcelli
By Dina Scarcelli 03 Aug, 2021
July 2021 in Review July was full of outdoor learning and fun! We went on many field trips, enjoyed a lot of water activities and play, and had a beautiful picture day. We had a Hawaiian day, beach theme, farm theme, teddy bear picnic and a fun tea party theme! Butterfly release also happened last month. The fun never ends at DMS Montessori Preschool and Daycare Inc. We always aim to enhance the child’s level of interest and through fun activities and themes we ensure that the children remain engaged and enjoy their early childhood experience. Field trips last month to support the themes above included the following location: *Darlington Park Beach *Our Tiny Farmstead *Watson Farm *Cedar Park Interest in joining our DMS Montessori family? Waiting list forms available. Contact us through our website today! Check out our website and social media pages to stay in touch and see what we do! We promise your child a wonderful preschool experience that will prepare them for more than just school ahead – but for life. Thank you for your ongoing support! Dina Scarcelli
By Dina Scarcelli 06 Jul, 2021
I cannot believe that another school year has come to an end! June was a busy month but an incredibly good one, as usual! Our highlights included receiving our live larvae to support our life cycle of a butterfly theme, CASA graduation and year end report cards! Just like the butterfly changing over the course of their cycle before ready for emergence, so are our three of our beautiful children ready to move forward after graduating from DMS Montessori Preschool and Daycare Inc! What a fantastic time we have had together over the last few years! April-Jane moves onto SK in September after three and a half years, Matteo moves onto SK after two and a half years, and Alice moves onto JK after two years. I am so proud of each of them and the children they are today. We had an intimate ceremony for them at the end of June. I am excited to see these children grow into their future which looks promising! These children, like all in our care, have received a solid foundation to prepare them for all areas of life, not just academically. I am personally so grateful to their parents for choosing me, trusting me, supporting my program and for the relationship we have had since day one. Thank you to all parents for the same. We studied each step of the butterfly life cycle and look forward to releasing our butterflies early July! We watched them change before our eyes, starting from the larvae stage all the way through the chrysalis stage to the emergence of beautiful Painted Lady butterflies! Children are always excited and amazed throughout their experience working with real life nature in their own classroom! It provides concrete learning experiences which aids in retention and deep understanding of what they learn. Check out the adorable photos of our grads and our butterfly life cycle! Have a safe and healthy summer! Dina Scarcelli
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